
International Fleet Review - Opening Ceremony organised by Moloobhoys

A. S. Moloobhoy Pvt. Ltd. was asked by the Indian Navy and CNS to assist them in orchestrating and organizing the opening ceremony for the International Fleet Review (IFR) from the 5th through the 9th of February 2016.

Moloobhoys were the only Service Providers in India to not only attend the event, but also be the personal guests of CNS Rear Admiral Dhowan for all four days. This was truly a matter of great honour and accolade to be involved so intimately in an event as grand and prestigious as this.

The opening ceremony began with a performance from an unknown band who sang the IFR theme song. This then launched into a 30 minute extravaganza that was performed by the Shaimak Davar Dance Company, when over 70 dancers took the stage and performed a series of fabulous dances that left the audiences mesmerized.

The brand mascots for the event were actors Akshay Kumar and Kangana Ranaut who made a grande entrance in an open air jeep followed by the Navy Band and International Flags in procession in tow.

Following Shaimak's act was a stellar musical performance put together by Joi Barua and his band, who sang some popular Bollywood songs and a few other songs in their native language, from Assam.

The event was emceed by Rohit Roy and Sahil Bajaj who had the audience very amused and entertained throughout the night!

Please click on the following images to see pictures of this happy chaos and exceptionally fun night!

Posted by: Moloobhoys
International Fleet Review - Opening Ceremony organised by Moloobhoys